It has been a busy first term in St. Michael's.....some of our activities.
We began our new school year with a whole school celebration mass, welcoming all pupils and staff back and remembering all of our pupils, teachers and SNA's who have moved on to a new exciting journey.
St. Patrick's class invited in Farmer Tom and some of his animals!!....there was great excitement as everyone had the opportunity to meet and greet pigs, chickens, sheep, a goat and of course Daisy the cow.
The weather was kind to us and we were able to have a whole school 'Welcome Back' assembly outdoors where all new staff and pupils were introduced. We also had a special guest opening our new outdoor gym equipment...more details to follow!!!
The classes of St Louise and St. Brendan organised a Coffee Morning Fundraiser for staff, bus drivers and escorts to raise money for the upcoming 'Shoebox Appeal'. They are also collecting bottles and cans to raise money.
Our Halloween dress up day was great fun with wonderful costumes from both pupils and staff.
Wishing you all an enjoyable and safe October midterm. We will see all our staff and students on Monday 4th November
Happy Halloween!