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Creative Schools Update

As we continue on our Creative Schools journey many exciting things have been

happening. We now have a Creative Schools Committee who were introduced to the

whole school at an Assembly in November. They also took part in a photography

workshop with Brian Cregan our Creative Associate. They learned how to use the

camera on an iPad and to change the lighting for photographs using torches. They

produced great photographs of still life arrangements.

In October the class of St Gertrude visited the Civic Theatre in Tallaght and were

amazed by aerial performers and dancers in a production entitled “When the Moon

Spun Round”.

The classes of St Brendan and St Patrick got the opportunity to meet the Irish author

Alan Nolan in Draiocht and produced some great drawings which were signed by the


In December the classes of St Mark, St Luke and St Therese visited Draiocht and

took part in a “Print a Claus” workshop where they learned the skill of printing with the

artist Sarah Ward. They produced wonderful printed Christmas cards and are looking

forward to using this new skill again.

In November as part of our Creative Schools programme school staff experienced a

felting workshop facilitated by Gabi Mc Grath a Creative Associate with Creative

Schools and the Arts Council. Wonderful abstract and themed pictures were created

by staff.

This enjoyable, therapeutic and creative opportunity was then offered to all classes in

the school in the month of December through a Christmas felting workshop. All classes

visited St Francis classroom which had been transformed into Santas workshop by the

pupils of St Francis. The skill of creating felt pictures from wool, soap and water was

then taught to all pupils in the school carefully guided by Art teacher Ms Collins, Home

Economics teacher Ms Mullen and elves Joan, Jane, Jackie and Ger.

We look forward to experiencing more aspects of creativity and developing new skills

as we progress on our Creative Schools journey in 2024.

Deirdre Farnan

(Creative Schools Coordinator)

St. Michael's Holy Angels,
Dublin 20
D20 A072


Principal: Dr. Sharon Gorevan

Deputy Principal: Ms. Margaret O'Riordan

Secretary: Ellen McAllorum

School Roll No: 17971H

Tel: 01 8201859 / 01 8128435






Our school website is a work in progress and is constantly being reviewed.

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