Junior Cycle
The pupils in St. Michael’s school follow the Junior Cycle pathway for students with particular special educational needs called the Level 2 Learning Programmes (L2LPs). The L2LPs build upon prior learning and are designed primarily around five Priority Learning Units (PLUs) and two short courses that focus on the social, personal and pre-vocational skills that prepare students for further study, for work and life
L2LPs provide an inclusive, realistic and beneficial education for all of our learners.
Short Courses are a component which offers greater flexibility to schools. It requires 100 hours of engagement emphasise students’ active learning, are assessed through CBAs (Classroom based assessment and reported upon by the school.
Wellbeing is an integral part of the programme and pupils participate in SPHE, CSPE and PE as part of the curriculum.
For full accreditation: Students must achieve the majority of learning outcomes in all elements from five Priority Learning Units. (PLU’s) Students must complete 2 short courses. Assessment of PLUs is school based. A portfolio of evidence will be created by students completing the L2LPs.
To download a PowerPoint containing information on the Junior Cycle Level 2 Learning Programmes, click the PowerPoint image here: